Monkey causes cross country power outage in Sri Lanka
“A monkey has interacted with our lattice transformer causing a lopsidedness in the framework,” Energy Pastor Kumara Jayakody told journalists.

The interruption occurred in a south Colombo suburb, he said.
Power was completely reestablished the nation over at around 6pm neighborhood time, as per a correspondent from Sri Lankan media source Day to day Mirror. The blackout had additionally before caused water supply disturbances.
Sri Lankans needed to get through long periods of power outages in the mid year of 2022 when the nation dove into a monetary emergency.
Fuel stations ran out of petroleum and diesel, constraining nuclear energy plants to proportion power to 13 hours every day.
Sri Lanka’s flowing power disappointment in February came from the failure of the network to recuperate from shocks because of an enormous volume of housetop sun oriented power, the Ceylon Power Board Designers’ Association said.
It is thought that a breakdown in the 33kV Transport bar in Panadura prompted a breakdown which then, at that point, set off a flowing disappointment, because of the lattice made unsteady by housetop sun powered, the Association said in a proclamation.
“The somewhat high sunlight based share contrasted with a low interest on Sunday has been distinguished as the principal justification for this. Be that as it may, this still up in the air through a legitimate request,” the CEBEU said in a proclamation.
“However the public lattice came near a comparable circumstance on a few Sundays, because of the expertise of framework control, a total disappointment was kept away from.
“However, because of the shortcoming of the lattice, it is thought that the network couldn’t endure it.”
Sri Lanka’s daytime request ascends to around 2000 MegaWatts first thing in the morning on working days when sunlight based power kicks in yet it tumbles to around 1600 on Sundays.
The CEB then, at that point, needs to de-load its enormous coal plants, particularly hydros with turning turbines which give strength and can retain shocks in segments of the framework, a peculiarity called ‘dormancy’.
Subsequently framework control can’t keep a steady recurrence, and a flowing disappointment is set off.
Sri Lanka’s power framework is old and is intended for one way dispersion and it’s anything but a greetings detective shrewd network that can oblige supposed ‘conveyed renewables’ which stream in the two headings.
The sun powered roofs are currently around 1,200 MW or 1,400 MW and last Sunday CEB’s plants which can be dispatched by framework control were de-stacked to around 800MW as it is absolutely impossible to turn off housetop halfway.
In Sri Lanka the sun based roof isn’t noticeable to the framework control all things considered.
Related Sri Lanka hit by cross country flowing power disappointment
There were reports that the Panadura disappointment was a consequence of monkeys.
Creatures are a vital wellspring of purported Radiant Day Power outages. A US utility found that squirrels and other natural life represented up to 8 percent of complete breakdowns. (Squirrel to fault for downtown Toronto blackout)
CEB engineers have been cautioning about this issue and tried to restrict the dispersed renewables to the degree of ventures made in matrix overhauls, however they were named as ‘against sustainable’, industry examiners say.
A few undertakings to update the network including some subsidized by Japan were postponed by Coronavirus and the sovereign default.
Arrangements including battery stockpiling frameworks, and a siphon stockpiling plant, the CEBEU said.
Closure huge hydros likewise act as batteries, however the enormous portion of sunlight based from 0900 to 1600 remaining parts. Lattice scale batteries can likewise answer aggravations.
Broad savvy metering of the lattice would further develop perceivability. Different choices incorporate giving a lower modern levy for ends of the week to urge processing plants to work, examiners say.
The Asian Improvement Bank as of late supported a credit for battery capacity and inexhaustible control work area. (Colombo/Feb09/2025)